Sign-Up and League Rules

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
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Welcome to the official WWEForums Xbox One League!
Hereby known as:


While this may be a competitive league, we also thrive on stories and characters, so if you and an opponent would like to script out matches/promos, you may do so. However, that should not be the case all the time, this is still a league after-all.
  • The Xbox League/Ignition is centered around CAW's. So there are no real life people allowed here. If you wish to participate you must be representing a CAW
  • Mentioning real world companies is allowed, within reason
  • Your CAW cannot have ever worked for any major real world wrestling promotion (WWE, WCW, TNA, ROH, NJPW, etc.) as your CAW does not exist in real life, so do not promo as if that CAW has.
  • CAW overall limit: 90 or below (subject to change)
  • All stats/move-sets must be realistic to your CAW, as if they existed in the real world. No 500-pounders doing 630 Sentons and no small wrestlers hitting an End of Days
  • The Mic Skill stat is the only stat that can be dropped all the way down
  • No other stat can be under 60
  • Pin Escape max at 80
  • Reversal stock limit is 4 and below (must be realistic to your CAW, not everyone is a technical wizard)
  • Only Pin Combo/Diving Pin Combo Lvl 1 is allowed, other levels are banned
  • Dirty Pin lvl 1 is allowed only if you're a heel, other levels are banned
  • Ring Escape lvl 3 is allowed only if you're a heel, other levels are banned
  • Resiliency lvl 3 is allowed only if you're a face, Resiliency lvl 1 is only allowed if you're a heel. Resiliency lvl 2 is banned.
  • Fan Favorite lvl 2 is allowed only if you're a face, other levels are banned
  • Leverage Pin is allowed only for heels (cannot be manually done, only allowed as a reversal)
  • Abilities tied to Universe Mode/My Career Mode (ex: Brawl, Stare Down and Mic Skill) are all banned
  • Samoa Joe's OMG Moment (Powerbomb/Boston Crab Combo) is banned
  • All skills must be realistic to your CAW (ex: no 500-pounders doing a Suicide Dive and no small wrestlers doing a double F-5)
  • Move-set must be realistic to your CAW
  • Abuse of the new Taunt Buff System is not allowed (ex: taunting immediately after your buff runs out, to gain a new buff right after. Basically no infinite buffs)
  • Each character is allowed a unique finisher. This means that no two people should have the same finisher.
  • Your finisher cannot change week after week, you pick it and stick with it.
  • Your in-ring and ringside finisher(s) should be the same.
  • Hit Point Ratio must be left on its default settings
  • The Super Heavyweight class is banned.
During/Finishing a Match
  • A match must end off of a finisher followed by a pin (the pin must come immediately after the finisher, no other moves can be performed before the pin)
  • Matches are allowed to end off of OMG Moments, however only if they end up in an appropriate pinning position. If they are hit with an OMG that leaves them outside of the ring, picking them up to bring them inside the ring makes them ineligible to be pinned
  • A submission finisher may only be used to end a match if your opponent has successfully kicked out of 3 finishers beforehand
  • Normal submissions may only be used to ware down your opponent, not end a match
  • If competing in a Tables Match, the Announce Table is not allowed to be used
  • If your opponent gets out of a submission finisher, you are not allowed to pin them straight away
  • If in a Ladder/TLC Match and your opponent is outside of the ring, you are not allowed to block entry into the ring by placing weapons in the way of your opponent in order to cheaply win
  • If in a Steel Cage Match, you may only attempt to escape/pin after hitting a finisher. OMG Moments that result in an automatic win are not allowed in Steel Cage Matches
  • Abusing of the crowd area to gain a count-out win on your opponent is not allowed
  • Count-out/DQ victories are allowed, as long as they are legitimate. However, purposefully losing via Count-Out/DQ will still negatively effect you as it would if done normally.
  • No spamming/stalling is allowed ("If you grab an opponent then wait longer than 2 seconds before hitting a move, that is considered stalling. If you use a wake-up taunt and after the opponent is on their feet you wait longer than 2 seconds before hitting your finisher, that is stalling. Anything under 2 seconds is fine.")
  • Your opponent must have at least an orange body part before going for a pin
Tag-Team Matches
  • Each team is allowed one save per member
  • If attempting to break up/ensure a pin, you must wait until AFTER a finisher is hit before entering the ring
  • The illegal man must stay on the apron at ALL times and cannot enter the ring/interfere in the match unless it is to save a pin
  • If the action spills outside, the illegal man is not allowed to step off the apron or block re-entry into the ring
  • Tag-Team moves are allowed and can be broken up, however after the break-up or successfully hitting the move, both illegal men must return to the apron
  • The illegal man in the match cannot hold their legal opponent outside of the ring to ensure a count-out
Receiving Warnings/Strikes
  • Breaking any rule listed above, depending on the situation, will result in a warning or a strike
  • Do not start, provoke or engage in an argument. Doing so will result in a strike (this will be heavily enforced)
  • No-showing a match will result in a strike, unless I am notified beforehand with valid reasoning
  • Do not respond in someones promo thread unless that person has given you permission.
  • Do not post OOC comments in someones promo thread, this is what the Out of Character Thread is for (even if you are involved in the promo, do it in a PM)
  • Keep obscene language to a minimum when posting in-character/kayfabe threads. The league is based off of a televised global wrestling promotion and overly obscene language is not allowed on television. Minor cursing is allowed during televised segments but any use of hard cursing will result in a warning. A strike is given out for repeated offenses/not correcting the initial problem (obscene language is allowed in the Backstage Thread, as that isn't on-camera and is used for character/storyline development)
  • Do not give criticism (positive or negative) in someones promo thread. That is what the Promo Advice/Feedback Thread is for
  • Conduct yourself with decency in the league, on the forum as a whole and with forum/league members on any social outlet. Should you be found to be violating this rule, it will result in consequences in the league (Kayfabe and OOC) and potentially the forum as a whole
  • Failing to do a promo for a week will result in a strike
How Strikes Work
  • First Strike - You are suspended from the league for a week (kayfabe)
  • Second Strike - You are suspended from the league until after the next PPV (kayfabe)
  • Third Strike - You will be removed from the league (kayfabe and OOC)
  • If 30 days has passed by since you received your last strike, then it will die off. Only one strike will be removed at a time, so if you have 2, then it will take 60 days for both to go away. (this does not account for those who have gained 3 strikes)
How to Get Booked
  • Every Sunday night, the "I Want a Match!" Thread will be opened for you to sign up for a match for the upcoming week's match card.
  • This thread will be open from the time the previous week's results thread goes up until the upcoming week's match card is posted on Monday night.
  • You will have from the time the match card is posted on Monday night until the results thread goes up on Sunday night to do your match.
  • If you are not able to complete your match in the given time, then you and your opponent must either pick a winner or make a well thought-out story as to why the match ended in a NO CONTEST. If you do not do either of these things or we feel that the story you went with wasn't well worked, then you will receive a strike.
  • Recording your entire match is not mandatory, but is encouraged
  • Anything in the match that is considered against the rules should be recorded using the Xbox One's built in capture functionality (Double tapping the guide button and pressing the "X" button) and sent to me via a Xbox One message
  • The ending of ALL matches should be recorded using the above mentioned functionality in case there are any discrepancies or arguments, so I can review the footage
  • All champions must defend their championships at least once a month
  • Championships can be defended on any show
  • If you lose a championship, you are not guaranteed an automatic rematch. You will still have to earn it back
  • Championships cannot be dropped or "cashed-in"
  • Only one singles championship can be held at a time
  • Joining the league as a manager is allowed, however you must already have somebody to manage before joining. You will also be required to do a much more impressive sign-up, as you are not a competitor
  • If you have a manager, you are still required to be involved in the promo. Your manager can't do all of the work for you
  • Should you find yourself without somebody to manage, you are allowed to find someone else to manage
  • You are not allowed to manage more than one character at once unless they are in a tag-team or a stable
Women's Division
  • If you wish to sign-up for the Women's Division as well as the normal league, there may be weeks where you are double booked, so be sure that you can handle this
  • You cannot just be a female version of your male character
  • Interaction between men and women is allowed, but explicit man on woman violence is not allowed. This goes both ways
  • All the same rules above apply to the women as well
  • This division is experimental, so it hinges on how well people do in it.
  • The Women's Division will be booked equally to the men's division
Creating Promo Threads

A thread is only to be created when you make a promo. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Your character addressing the audience by themselves
  • Your character being interviewed
  • More than one character interacting in an on-camera segment
The Co-General Managers

The co-general managers are also in-character figures, portrayed by both myself and @Emo. Mine shares my forum name of "Jet Starr" and Emo's has the name "Alex Pierse". We will be available to compete, but the characters are by no means 100% active competitors in the league. If you wish to have an interaction with a Co-GM in-character, we must be notified beforehand. We reserve the right to reject interaction between your character and either of the Co-GM characters.

The Promo Advice/Feedback Thread
This thread will be used to see how you are doing in the league, promo-wise. You can either link a promo of yours to the thread asking for feedback, or you can provide feedback for someone else's promo should you feel that you have some. Remember though, this is for constructive feedback only, so do not use it just to bash someone's promos.​

Your sign-up is meant to be a brief introduction to your character. Since it is just a sign-up, this promo has no effect on your standings in the league and no-one in character has any clue this happened. If your sign-up promo takes more than a minute to read, it's too long.

If you wish to sign-up for the Women's or Tag-Team Division, it must be noted in your sign-up.
You can only sign-up for the tag division right off the bat if you have a partner upon signing up (Tag each other in your sign-ups), otherwise you'll have to wait until you have a partner later on
If you sign-up to be in the Women's division, you must do a second sign-up as that female character (keep both in one post if you sign-up for both male and female)

Also, if you fail to show up for a match within a 30 day period since your last match (or since sign-up if you're yet to have a match), then your character will be set to inactive and your finishers will be up for anyone to take.

In your promos, three different colors should be used:
One used for describing actions
The name of your character
What your character is saying

Any colors can be used, just be sure that they are easy to read. Same applies to the font used.

Sign-up template
Tag @Emo and @Jet Starr in your post
Forum Name:
Alignment: <must be Face or Heel, no Tweeners>

Tag-Team Partner:
Finishers: <must mention move's in-game name>

Example Sign-up:

@Emo @Jet Starr
Forum Name: @SupaHeeroh
Gamertag: SupaHeeroh
Superstar: The Amazing H
Alignment: Face
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finishers: Baby Wipe Surprise (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)

The Amazing H: Well, well, well! Little ol' Hammett has came a long way from his days wrestling in front of a couple hundred people and somehow ended up here, in Ignition...

*The Amazing H slicks his hair back.*
The Amazing H: Let me introduce myself. My name is The Amazing H. *H smiles.* I'll be your friendly neighbourhood ass-kicker, part time clown wannabe and full time leg breaker. I can't wait to show all of you wonderful people EXACTLY what I can do. Are you ready for me? I've been waiting a long, long time for this.

Remember, this isn't meant to be a story, just an introduction of who your character is and to evaluate how well you can promo. Stick to the point. Once you've signed up and been accepted, you can promo and describe you character in-depth all you like.

Most importantly, and above all, remember to have fun.
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Reactions: SupaHeeroh


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Men's Division

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheFrostyBlur
Gamertag: zombiezkiller77
Character Name: Robert Blake
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Rocket Droper, Muta Lock

The arena's lights shut off which starts a new video. It's showing some sort of ward in a hospital of sorts. You can hear many screams and banging on the walls as the cameraman makes his way down the corridor. The camera man stops at the final door which says "Very dangerous. Keep Away". The camera man zooms into the window on the door which shows a man with his face down to his knees on the floor. You can hear little moans from this person as he begins to stand. The person walks towards the window revealing himself as a very restless Robert Blake. He begins to laugh at the camera as he runs back to his original location. He begins to speak as he's standing in the middle of the floor just staring directly at the camera*

Robert Blake: You all did this to me. I had everything, but it's all gone now. Why does this matter?! Why would I care?! I can't handle the pain.....I can't handle the truth! I didn't lose! How could I lose? Something happened....It wasn't me out there. It was some sort of clone taking my body because I'm the one that matters. It wasn't me! I'm still World champion. Jet Starr isn't World champion, but they believe him. Why not believe me? Something happened! It couldn't have been me since that Robert Blake lost! The true Robert Blake doesn't lose, and that's the Robert Blake I am. They took everything away from me, and I think it's time I take everything away from them. I'm going to tear them all apart! I am Robert Blake! No one can stop me now! I'm going to win back everything I lost! I have no other choice. I need to win, or I'm completely finished with life. You all see? I'm invincible! I'm unstoppable! The only person that can stop me is dead, so why should I care? I'm going to break them all. I can even walk on the Moon if I want. I can do anything, but the only thing I want is that World championship. Gold? Gold is pretty. I like Gold a lot, and I want my lovely Gold back. Jet Starr is just the impostor that I need to overcome. You all see? No one can stop me. My brother was going to help me, but he is no longer with us. He died fighting the evil around us. My brother was the only one that could've stopped me, but you all killed him! He was my friend! He was my only friend, and you all killed him anyway. I'm a man who has lost everything, and I swear I'm the man that's going to take everything by storm. My brother's spirit will help me with that.

Women's Division

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheFrostyBlur
Gamertag: zombiezkiller77
Character Name: Violet Blackfire
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Pumphandle Neckbreaker, Asuka Lock 2

*Violet is in a darkroom giggling on a chair. She begins to slowly walk towards the camera, but stops half way. She seems to be getting quite angry as she begins to speak*

Violet Blackfire
: They all think we're pretty young things. You know? Something to be stared at while they imagine being with us. Everyone has this mindset that women must follow men. You see, I don't follow anyone. I don't care if it's Jet Starr or the president of the United States. I'm here to strike fear into the hearts of every female wrestler in the back. Hey, I'm sure the male wrestlers won't look at me wrong when they see what I do in that wrestling ring. You know what I think when I look at that male roster? I laugh!

*Violet begins to laugh towards the camera*

Violet Blackfire: They call us the little girls? I'm tougher than every male in the back. They're nothing. I'm here to break the faces of every female wrestler. I'm here to beak the hearts of every male wrestler. I'm here to become Women's champion.

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Legit Boss

The Lunatic Fringe
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
NAK Country.
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Legit Boss
Gamertag: Uncensoreddd
Character Name: Jimmy Glamour
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Glamour Kick (Sweet Chin Music), Future Shock DDT.

*Jimmy Glamour has his back to the camera holding a portable mirror*
Jimmy Glamour: Look at how beaut-
*Turns around and sees the cameraman*
Jimmy Glamour: Who in the name of christ are you? And why are you in the Best Young Wrestler's changing room?
*Places mirror down on table*
Jimmy Glamour: That's right. The Best Young Wrestler has arrived in Saturday Night Ignition. My beautiful face will be here week in and week out decimating opponents and claiming glory along the way. The name Jimmy Glamour will be etched in the history books as the Greatest superstar that ever lived!

*Picks up mirror and has one last look at the camera*
Jimmy Glamour: Why are you still here? GO! *mumbles* ugly dude.. tryna ruin my look...


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheFrostyBlur
Gamertag: zombiezkiller77
Character Name: Robert Blake
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Rocket Droper, Muta Lock

The arena's lights shut off which starts a new video. It's showing some sort of ward in a hospital of sorts. You can hear many screams and banging on the walls as the cameraman makes his way down the corridor. The camera man stops at the final door which says "Very dangerous. Keep Away". The camera man zooms into the window on the door which shows a man with his face down to his knees on the floor. You can hear little moans from this person as he begins to stand. The person walks towards the window revealing himself as a very restless Robert Blake. He begins to laugh at the camera as he runs back to his original location. He begins to speak as he's standing in the middle of the floor just staring directly at the camera*

Robert Blake: You all did this to me. I had everything, but it's all gone now. Why does this matter?! Why would I care?! I can't handle the pain.....I can't handle the truth! I didn't lose! How could I lose? Something happened....It wasn't me out there. It was some sort of clone taking my body because I'm the one that matters. It wasn't me! I'm still World champion. Jet Starr isn't World champion, but they believe him. Why not believe me? Something happened! It couldn't have been me since that Robert Blake lost! The true Robert Blake doesn't lose, and that's the Robert Blake I am. They took everything away from me, and I think it's time I take everything away from them. I'm going to tear them all apart! I am Robert Blake! No one can fucking stop me now! I'm going to win back everything I lost! I have no other choice. I need to win, or I'm completely finished with life. You all see? I'm invincible! I'm unstoppable! The only person that can stop me is dead, so why should I care? I'm going to break them all. I can even walk on the Moon if I want. I can do anything, but the only thing I want is that World championship. Gold? Gold is pretty. I like Gold a lot, and I want my lovely Gold back. Jet Starr is just the impostor that I need to overcome. You all see? No one can stop me. My brother was going to help me, but he is no longer with us. He died fighting the evil around us. My brother was the only one that could've stopped me, but you all killed him! He was my friend! He was my only friend, and you all killed him anyway. I'm a man who has lost everything, and I swear I'm the man that's going to take everything by storm. My brother's spirit will help me with that.
Keep obscene language to a minimum when posting in-character/kayfabe threads. The league is based off of a televised global wrestling promotion and overly obscene language is not allowed on television. Minor cursing is allowed during televised segments but any use of hard cursing will result in a warning. A strike is given out for repeated offenses/not correcting the initial problem (obscene language is allowed in the Backstage Thread, as that isn't on-camera and is used for character/storyline development)
Correct that and you're good.

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Legit Boss
Gamertag: Uncensoreddd
Character Name: Jimmy Glamour
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Glamour Kick (Sweet Chin Music), Future Shock DDT.

*Jimmy Glamour has his back to the camera holding a portable mirror*
Jimmy Glamour: Look at how beaut-
*Turns around and sees the cameraman*
Jimmy Glamour: Who in the name of christ are you? And why are you in the Best Young Wrestler's changing room?
*Places mirror down on table*
Jimmy Glamour: That's right. The Best Young Wrestler has arrived in Saturday Night Ignition. My beautiful face will be here week in and week out decimating opponents and claiming glory along the way. The name Jimmy Glamour will be etched in the history books as the Greatest superstar that ever lived!

*Picks up mirror and has one last look at the camera*
Jimmy Glamour: Why are you still here? GO! *mumbles* ugly dude.. tryna ruin my look...
Welcome to the league.

Papa Franku's ear

The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Papa Franku's ear
Gamertag: q67 LIVERPOOL
Character Name: Pedro "WAR" Calcote
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Sit-out powerbomb 2, Dudebuster. Sill working on names for the finishers

*Pedro is sitting on a chair rubbing his sore knuckles he notices the camera and stands*
Pedro: You see this redness...
*He gestures the camera to look at his fists*
Pedro: I got these wounds from protecting my little brother from some dangerous people, very dangerous people. The slums are not kind, our father he died at work after a gang showed up and shot the entire building up until there was no life inside the building. Our mother took this very badly and now doesn't move from the house we live in.
*Pedro gestures to a home behind him before he takes down his hood showing a horrific scar running across his face*
Pedro: Now I will seek revenge for my family through Ignition the only place that will have me. I shall take a dangerous step in my life and I will make the transformation occur. I shall become war I shall become the solution
*Pedro looks it the distance before walking off camera towards a burnt building he turns to the camera and whispers*
Pedro: I shall become immortal.
*The burnt building is shown before the camera fades to black and a painted face is shown, he smiles as the camera turns to static*
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Papa Franku's ear
Gamertag: q67 LIVERPOOL
Character Name: Pedro "WAR" Calcote
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Sit-out powerbomb 2, Electric chair powerbomb. Sill working on names for the finishers

*Pedro is sitting on a chair rubbing his sore knuckles he notices the camera and stands*
Pedro: You see this redness...
*He gestures the camera to look at his fists*
Pedro: I got these wounds from protecting my little brother from some dangerous people, very dangerous people. The slums are not kind, our father he died at work after a gang showed up and shot the entire building up until there was no life inside the building. Our mother took this very badly and now doesn't move from the house we live in.
*Pedro gestures to a home behind him before he takes down his hood showing a horrific scar running across his face*
Pedro: Now I will seek revenge for my family through Ignition the only place that will have me. I shall take a dangerous step in my life and I will make the transformation occur. I shall become war I shall become the solution
*Pedro looks it the distance before walking off camera towards a burnt building he turns to the camera and whispers*
Pedro: I shall become immortal.
*The burnt building is shown before the camera fades to black and a painted face is shown, he smiles as the camera turns to static*
Welcome to the league.


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @MintMidget69
Gamertag: F4T SPuD FuZZ
Character Name: Todd McKay
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Kinshasa 2 and Sit-Out Full Nelson Facebuster

*Todd McKay is seen flirting with a woman backstage. she slaps him and then walks away*
Todd McKay: Ahh well. Plenty other women that could get with the world's most unreal wrestler. Sorry got a little sidetracked there, so... You want to know about me, where do I begin as a young lad I walked the streets with my father a fierce man in the community. What, you want the important bit... Okaaaay well I fought in some place called Exodus which is no longer in existence and now I find myself here in Ignition, the fire place, I don't know what to say other than everyone should put their guard up and be ready for some unreal matches, oh and you fans... Do not get in my way. I don't care how many family members died last week just don't interrupt a champion at work
*Todd walks away before waling into his locker room and closing the door right behind him*
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WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @RedDwarfTechy
Gamertag: RedDwarfTechy
Character Name: Joakim "Loki" Larsson
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Curb Stomp (grounded), Backstabber (aka Fall of Rome)

Loki is seen in the middle of the ring when the feed comes on to show an empty arena, with the spotlight shining down on him, he is seated cross - legged as he looks up, a mic in his hand speaking English clearly but unable to shake off hints of Swedish accent.

Loki: You do not know me Ignition, you do not know what I have in store for you. I am Joakim Larsson, known to many as Loki. And that too, for good reason - Once I step in this ring, I am the mad god, I am the god of chaos. I simply am - God. Ignition, it is okay if you don't know who I am, but I promise you, all of you along with every single person backstage. You will all learn to
fear me.

The feed cuts out and comes back to show an empty ring, the microphone in the middle of the ring, slowly rolling from side to side as maniacal laughter echoes through the arena.
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @MintMidget69
Gamertag: F4T SPuD FuZZ
Character Name: Todd McKay
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Wheelbarrow facebusters

*Todd McKay is seen flirting with a woman backstage. she slaps him and then walks away*
Todd McKay: Ahh well. Plenty other women that could get with the world's most unreal wrestler. Sorry got a little sidetracked there, so... You want to know about me, where do I begin as a young lad I walked the streets with my father a fierce man in the community. What, you want the important bit... Okaaaay well I fought in some place called Exodus which is no longer in existence and now I find myself here in Ignition, the fire place, I don't know what to say other than everyone should put their guard up and be ready for some unreal matches, oh and you fans... Do not get in my way. I don't care how many family members died last week just don't interrupt a champion at work
*Todd walks away before waling into his locker room and closing the door right behind him*
Welcome to the league

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @RedDwarfTechy
Gamertag: RedDwarfTechy
Character Name: Magnus Scaeovala
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Curb Stomp (grounded), Backstabber (aka Fall of Rome)

Magnus is seen in the middle of the ring when the feed comes on to show an empty arena, with the spotlight shining down on him, he is seated cross - legged as he looks up, a mic in his hand.

Magnus: You do not know me Ignition, you do not know what I have in store for you. I am Magnus Scaeovala, I've wrestled around the world risking life and limb to get where I am. To get here in this ring. To speak to all your ingrates that stuff your faces and take the shortcut of buying a ticket to get here. I didn't buy a ticket, I earned my way. It does not matter you do not know me, it does not matter that you lazy people who take shortcuts don't understand my greatness. But Ignition, you, along with every single performer backstage. Will learn to fear me.

The feed cuts out and comes back to show an empty ring, the microphone in the middle of the ring, slowly rolling from side to side.
Welcome to the league
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Blizzard Boi

Al F'N Blizzard
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
England, United Kingdom
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @DemonHunter1257
Gamertag: DemonHunter1257
Character Name: Jay Washington
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: The Washington Bomb (Tiger Bomb), Last Chancery (When it is in the game!)

Interviewer: Please welcome my guest, the newest signee of Ignition, Jay Washington!

*The crowd cheer as Jay walks next to the interviewer*

Jay: Thank you for that intro! But, as you know, I am knew round here so I gotta go do my dues and meet some guys round here and get to know some of 'em! But what I've came here to do.. is a lot more important than meeting and greeting!

*The crowd cheer after he says this*

Interviewer: So Jay, why did you decide to jump ship to Ignition?

*Jay smirks a little*

Jay: Well, ya see here. Where I was before Ignition don't matter, what matters is that I am "The One" Jay Washington and, ain't no stopping me when I step in that ring!

*The crowd stay silent*

Interviewer: Most of the superstars here have studied you and have especially been mentioning your finishing maneuver, "The Washington Bomb" what are your thoughts on this particular move?

Jay: It hurts! You want to know why it hurts? I'll tell ya! It's because it's a damn Tiger Bomb, they were invented in Japan and damn you know how deadly moves are which are invented by the Japanese!

Interviewer: What about your other finisher?

Jay: The good ole' Last Chancery, I will lock it in at any damn time I want, I my put you in a cloverleaf then go into the Last Chancery, I may grab your head and flip into a bridge, it can come out of no-where!

Well thank you for your time, Jay. Back to you guys!

*The camera fades to black as Jay leaves the interview area*
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @SupaHeeroh
Gamertag: SupaHeeroh
Character Name: Minho
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ...
Finisher In-game name: Trouble in Paradise, Bank Statement

Minho: Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Korean Sensation Minho. Born in Japan and raised in South Korea, I mastered the art of singing before becoming a wrestler. I was runner up for solo artist of the year in 2013, I have had four number one singles, I won music video of the year in 2015 and won the hearts of millions... Now i'm here to wrestle. My music career is well documented, I already own the spotlight so now it's time for it to stay shining on me whilst I wrestle.
*He smiles.*
Minho: Some call it cockiness, but I know i'm not the best. All I know is that whatever I do, you'll watch. Popularity can take you a long way. I'm here to prove that.
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @DemonHunter1257
Gamertag: DemonHunter1257
Character Name: Jay Washington
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: The One & Only (Tiger Bomb), Last Chancery (When it is in the game!)

Interviewer: Please welcome my guest, the newest signee of Ignition, Jay Washington!

*The crowd cheer as Jay walks next to the interviewer*

Jay: Thank you for that intro! But, as you know, I am knew round here so I gotta go do my dues and meet some guys round here and get to know some of 'em! But what I've came here to do.. is a lot more important than meeting and greeting!

*The crowd cheer after he says this*

Interviewer: So Jay, why did you decide to jump ship to Ignition?

*Jay smirks a little*

Jay: Well, ya see here. Where I was before Ignition don't matter, what matters is that I am "The One" Jay Washington and, ain't no stopping me when I step in that ring!

*The crowd stay silent*

Interviewer: Most of the superstars here have studied you and have especially been mentioning your finishing maneuver, "The One & Only" what are your thoughts on this particular move?

Jay: It hurts! You want to know why it hurts? I'll tell ya! It's because it's a damn Tiger Bomb, they were invented in Japan and damn you know how deadly moves are which are invented by the Japanese!

Interviewer: What about your other finisher?

Jay: The good ole' Last Chancery, I will lock it in at any damn time I want, I my put you in a cloverleaf then go into the Last Chancery, I may grab your head and flip into a bridge, it can come out of no-where!

Well thank you for your time, Jay. Back to you guys!

*The camera fades to black as Jay leaves the interview area*
I'd recommend changing the name of your finisher since the One and Only is an actual wrestling move done by Billy Gunn. Change that and you're good.

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @SupaHeeroh
Gamertag: SupaHeeroh
Character Name: Minho
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ...
Finisher In-game name: 630 Senton, Bank Statement

Minho: Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Korean Sensation Minho. Born in Japan and raised in South Korea, I mastered the art of singing before becoming a wrestler. I was runner up for solo artist of the year in 2013, I have had four number one singles, I won music video of the year in 2015 and won the hearts of millions... Now i'm here to wrestle. My music career is well documented, I already own the spotlight so now it's time for it to stay shining on me whilst I wrestle.
*He smiles.*
Minho: Some call it cockiness, but I know i'm not the best. All I know is that whatever I do, you'll watch. Popularity can take you a long way. I'm here to prove that.
Welcome to the league
(Oh how the roles have reversed)


May 13, 2013
Reaction score
Sign-up template
Tag @Jet Starr in your post
Forum Name: @Fireshock
Gamertag: ROCKERT799
Character Name: Fireshock
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Shockplex (Prefect plex), Superkick 7 (Burning lights)

*A video package pops up on the titan-tron, saying the words the following is a Fireshock production. The video starts to roll a clip of Fireshock sitting in a big leather chair with a big book in hand near a big fire place.*

Fireshock: Hello there my name is Fireshock, now I know what you are thinking right now. Fireshock where are you, what are you doing and why are you sat here in this very comfortable chair?

*Fireshock smiles*

Fireshock: Of course peasants like you would ask such questions to one such as highly respected as me, well to answer those queries in your small minds I am someone very far away from a wrestling ring. In fact well since my small absence from wrestling I am I had found something which has shaped my entire life to the very core. An inheritance, now you are properly thinking he must have got couple of hundred dollars or so. That is where you are wrong my small minded peasants, that sum is sixty million dollars.

Fireshock: That makes me one of the very few people on the planet worth a six digit value.

*Fireshock opens the book in hand to show images of himself from the past *

Fireshock: In my life I have been called many names the match shocker, a coward, a KOW member and more.

*Slams the book shut*

Fireshock: But as of now I am Ignition’s lord, master and king. What good is huge sum of money if you don’t make use for to create tools to conquer anything you put your mind to?

*Gets up out of the chair and walks towards a jacket hanging on the wall. He admires it before putting it on*

Fireshock: This jacket for example worth fifty thousand dollars, more than what most of you peasants earn in a year of low paid jobs. What even I want I conquer, with the most powerful tool I have my mind. Cause this mind is priceless as am I. So Ignition, its competitors and the peasants that surround the areas burn in my new light.

*Videos cuts*

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Fireshock
Gamertag: ROCKERT7799
Character Name: Christina Morgn
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Standing Shiruanui 1 (Heart Break) Suplex Backbreaker (Back crash)

*A video plays on the titan-tron screen, showing someone standing near a wrestling ring with the lights dimmed*

???: I don’t think there has been a time where wrestling has not been in my life, it has taken me on a journey and an journey with no stops, all time highs and horrible lows. I have lost friends, family over choosing this path but I have gained new ones along the way. It’s a hard choice to chose but it is one that I feel I have learnt so much.

???: Japan, Mexico, America, my home the United Kingdom you name it I have wrestled there. Learnt from the best in wrestling, the great ones, the amazing ones and the....

*The person smiles*

???: Match shockers of wrestling. As signed by @Jet Star himself.

*The crowd gasp, as the person steps into the light*

???: My name is Christina Morgan, the unbreakable Christina Morgan and now my path leads to Ignition. See you soon.

*Crowd chant holy sh*t*

*Video cuts*

OOC: Is the highest overall rating rule same for the felmale wrestlers ?
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